





 東北学院は、キリスト教による人格教育を建学の精神とし、「LIFE LIGHT LOVE」をスクールモットーとして掲げてきました。LIFEとは、生命や人格の尊厳であり、LIGHTとは、光によって闇の行為を制することであり、LOVEとは、憎悪や差別や分断ではなく、人間が互いに愛し合うことです。一刻も早く、停戦や和平が実現するように、外交による解決がなされ、連帯による支援の輪が広がることを希求します。


東北学院理事長 原田 善教
東北学院院長・東北学院大学学長 大西 晴樹



Statement of protest against the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia

March 7, 2022

As an educational institution located in the area affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake, we emphatically protest the military invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The act of trampling the sovereignty of an independent nation by invading its territory is in clear violation of international law and we hereby call for an immediate ceasefire and withdrawal of all Russian troops.

It is heartbreaking to see the lives, families and property of ordinary citizens torn apart by the ravages of war and for them to be forced to abandon their homes to flee the devastation. Our institution witnessed firsthand the suffering of residents living near the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant. As a result of that disaster caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, many of our students and alumni were forced to leave their homes and jobs. Eleven years later, their lives still have not returned to normal. If a radioactive material leak were to occur at the largest nuclear power plant in Europe, it would advance the hands of the “Doomsday Clock” potentially leading to the “destruction of the human race.” As such, we emphatically protest the Russian attack on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant as well as the Russian government placing its nuclear arms on high alert.

Tohoku Gakuin was founded on Christian beliefs and has as its school motto “LIFE LIGHT LOVE.” LIFE represents the dignity of all life. LIGHT is the hope that light will overcome darkness and LOVE represents our wish that all people can love each other free from hatred, discrimination, and division. We hope a diplomatic solution will be reached as soon as possible so that a ceasefire and peace can ultimately be achieved.

In commemoration of the 11th year since the Great East Japan Earthquake, we offer our voice in solidarity with the ever expanding circle of support for the Ukrainian people and in protest of the unprovoked, unnecessary and unacceptable military action of the Russian government.

Yoshinori Harada
Chair of Tohoku Gakuin

Haruki Onishi
Chancellor of Tohoku Gakuin, President of Tohoku Gakuin University